"Catch up" the wasted time —— Zhongrui heavy industry holds a regular work meeting in March


On March 3, 2020, the regular meeting of Zhongrui Heavy Industry in March was held in the company conference room. The meeting was presided over by the general manager Zhang Liangfu, and the company's executives and heads of various departments attended the meeting.

The person in charge of each department went on stage to report to the participants on the completion of the department's work in February and the work plan in March.

Subsequently, Zhang Liangfu summarized the main problems that existed in February and made arrangements for heavy industry work arrangements in March. He emphasized that due to the Spring Festival holiday and the epidemic, the work of various departments has almost come to a halt in the past two months. Taking advantage of this gap period, we must reorganize the work path of each department to make it more in line with the completion of 2020. Relevant requirements for annual work goals.

At the same time, we call on everyone to meet the new round of challenges with a high degree of professionalism and professional work attitude, and race to win back the three months lost this year in the next nine months!
